• AgDays 2025: January 21, 22 and 23 - 9am to 5pm Daily


Each year we strive to bring in the most relevant, up to date, informational speakers possible to Manitoba Ag Days. This year is no exception: the program has been finalized for the 2024 show and the depth of knowledge in this list is profound!
We could not put on such a world class speaking event if it were not for our partnerships with FCC, MNP, Manitoba Agriculture, Manitoba Canola Growers Association, Manitoba Crop Alliance and the Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers Association and of course the presenters themselves. We thank you for partnering with us for the 2024 Show!
CCA's make sure you plan your day so you can take in these sessions! We have been approved for 32.5 Credits!! 
Nutrient Management: 4.0 Soil & Water Management: 2.5 Integrated Pest Management: 6.5 Crop Management: 5.0 Professional Development: 14.5

David Frum, Social & Political Commentator, Staff Writer at The Atlantic

Whether it is the latest foreign policy debate or the inner workings of the White House, David Frum offers refreshing and clear insights of complicated issues of the day. He is currently a staff writer at The Atlantic and the author of multiple New York Times Bestsellers. David also appears often on MSNBC, BBC, CBC, and CNN. As a speaker, David has the rare ability to engage audiences at a deeper level: that of their belief systems. Even if you do not agree with his views, David’s encyclopedic knowledge of hot topic issues is unmatched. Audiences appreciate his thought-provoking style and ability to boil complex subjects into digestible bites. David’s deeply researched and thoughtful talks are also laugh-out-loud funny. In his quest for the truth, David has been a long-time advocate for shaking up the polarized U.S. political system. He provides fascinating insight into what political outcomes mean for specific audiences around the world in addressing geo-political issues or global and international affairs. With a line of sight to both Ottawa and Washington, Frum’s attention in 2022 has been on topics such as The Food War, No Time for Protectionism, Disturbances in the Global Energy Market, the impact of Financial and Economic Sanctions especially during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Frum notes: The outlook is for shocks and disturbances in the global energy market. United States has become the world’s largest producer of both oil and natural gas. And though ethanol may have some small environmental advantages over gasoline, those arguable benefits are nullified by ethanol’s terrible toll on world food output. Food for people and energy for machines need to be joined together in a broad strategy that enhances national and climate security. His most recent book, TRUMPOCALYPSE: Restoring American Democracy looks at the causes of America’s tragic national fragmentation and lays out a plan to restore democracy —and renew American leadership abroad. David Frum has been active in Republican politics since the first Reagan campaign of 1980. From 2014 through 2017, Frum served as chairman of the board of trustees of the leading UK center-right think tank, Policy Exchange. In 2001-2002, he served as speechwriter and special assistant to President George W. Bush. David holds a BA and MA in History from Yale and a Law degree from Harvard, where he served as President of the Federalist Society. He and his wife Danielle Crittenden Frum live in Washington DC and Wellington, Ontario. They have three adult children.

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Jon Temple

CPA, CA, Partner and Business Advisor, MNP

Jay Whetter

Communications Manager , Canola Council of Canada

Brett Gardiner

Canadian Professional Rodeo Announcer of the Year, CHASE THE GOOD TOUR

Ben Hamm

Farm Management Specialist , Manitoba Agriculture

David Beaudin

Minister of Agriculture and Associate Minister of Education, Manitoba Metis Federation

Tim Hore

Dean of Ag & Environment , Assiniboine Community College

David Frum

Social & Political Commentator, Staff Writer at The Atlantic, The Atlantic

Dr. Yvonne Lawley

Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Science , University of Manitoba

Drew Lerner

President & Senior Meteorologist , World Weather Inc.

Dr. Derek Brewin

Professor, Head Department of Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics , University of Manitoba

Lionel Kaskiw

Crop Production Extension Specialist , Manitoba Agriculture

Dave Carey

Vice President Government & Industry Relations , Canadian Canola Growers Association

Chris Holzapfel

Research Manager , Indian Head Agricultural Research Foudation